Step through the portal of time Into this immortal moment of mine
"The secret to change is to focus all your energy, not on fighting the old, but building the new. " Socrates
"The secret to change is to focus all your energy, not on fighting the old, but building the new. " Socrates
Artists and authors can share their work with each other and team up together to produce outstanding artistic books!
We don't just sell books, we create! Its all about the story. If you are an author looking for an illustrator, browse our gallery and connect with one of our artists! If you are an artist looking for a story, browse our selection of snippets from authors and pick your next project.
We are a ROWE (Results Only Work Environment) company. We don't care where you work, what hours you work, what time you start, what time you finish. You make money when your end product makes money. If you want to be part of our innovative team, come help us revolutionize the publishing industry. This is a rare chance to join a team from the ground up and forge a lasting empire.
Artist & Wanderer
Reader & Writer
Author & Artist
We vow:
1. Never to dumb down a book
2. To create books that entertain, educate, and inspire
3. To provide a positive environment conducive to creativity
4. To jettison hierarchical attitudes and structures
5. To write the book I want to read one rainy day
6. To work together to create books we will be proud of on our deathbed
7. To meet once a month in a new city and create a book based on our experience there
It is our mission to create children's books that are as visually pleasing as the rhymes inside them. These stories should resonate with raw truth and never be sugar coated.
United Kingdom
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