Down in the depths far below the shore
Starts the dark tale of Carni Vore
Deep in the sea where no human has been
Lives this fish so hungry and mean
She has an antenna on top of her head
With a light on the end so that she can get fed
Her world is dark and she lives alone
Never sees sunshine, calls shadows her home
Then it happened one day, a little fish swam her way
On went the light to attract her small prey
Carni swam closer with mouth open wide
Certain the dinner would float right inside
“Stop!” yelled the fish, holding up one fin. “You can just close your mouth ‘cause I’m not going in.”
“Oh yes you are. Little fish are for food. Don’t mess with me now ‘cause I’m not in the mood.”
“I’m Angelfish Fi; you can’t eat me! The most colourful creature in the deep blue sea.”
“I don’t see your colours,” Carni said disbelieving.
“My colours are there, but the dark is deceiving.”
“Accept it, little fishy, this is just life. Why else would my teeth be as sharp as a knife?”
“You have the choice my fish-eating friend. But if you eat me now, the story ends.”
“I cannot change. This I am, this is me.
I am meant to eat you, Angelfish Fi.”
Now, Angelfish Fi was quite a fast swimmer
And decided to swim far away
But as he turned, Carni’s light grew dimmer
And so, he decided to stay
“Okay. Then how ‘bout a deal?”
little Fi said with a smile.
“Close your mouth, and I’ll find you a meal,
If you just swim with me for a while.”
“Why would I wait when I can just eat you now?” Carni Vore said in a grump.
“Because I’m so little, barely bigger than spittle, Will hardly give your belly a hump.”
So onward and upward, they started the climb, Taking it slowly, an inch at a time
Every few feet they would pause for a while
“It just takes time,” Fi said with a smile.
Soon Carni was so tired she could barely move “I can’t do it! I’m too different from you.”
“Nonsense!” said Fi. “I’m right here for you.”
Carni forged on while Fi hummed a song
And promised it wouldn’t take very long
Sooner than later, they reached the edge of the dark
Above Carni’s head, light started to spark
For the first time, Carni felt fear
“I can’t leave my home; it’s all I know and hold dear.”
“Leaving behind all you know can feel funny
But the life that awaits you is sweeter than honey
Let me paint you a picture to carry round in your head
To chase away fears, doubt and dread
The world that awaits is beyond belief
A thousand colours on one coral reef
Red and yellow and purple and blue
With dolphins and seahorse and starfish too
There’s so much to see and so much to do
And the water’s so clear that the sun shines right through
And makes everything warm and sparkly….”
“I can’t imagine a world like that,” Carni cut in darkly.
“My world is black, and I’m sinking back
Like a boat that has lost its rudder.
So if you want a fish to pal around with, I suggest you go find another.”
“Another won’t do, Carni! I only want you To swim to the top of the ocean with me.”
Carni, perplexed, knew not what to do next.
But, she soon saw what she wished she did not see.
“Fi! Sh! Do you see what I see? A shark is near, and he’s bigger than me! Quick! Under my fin! I’ll protect if I can.”
“See! I knew you were more than what you had been!”
Quiet were they till the shark swam away
Their fear followed close behind him
Leaving guilt in its place, written on Carni’s face
Who sadly said, “I was just like him. I’ve eaten everyone I ever knew,”
she looked at Fi, “except for you.
I’m just like that shark, I belong in the dark
I don’t deserve to go to the top with you.
I cannot escape it, there’s nowhere to hide. I’m going back to the dark place in a downward slide.”
“Listen here! Let’s get this clear.
You weren’t happy living there.
You’ve climbed out of the black,
there’s no need to go back.
We all fall sometimes, and if you lose tonight,
You fight and fight with all your might.
Never give up, never give in!
Never forget just how bad it has been.
Progress is made inch by inch, day by day.
Just follow your heart, it will show you the way.”
“My heart is quiet; it says not a thing.”
“If that’s true, it’s because you quit listening.
It doesn’t matter what you say or do,
I’m never, ever leaving you.”
In a burst of joy, Carni raced for the top
Once again, little Fi yelled, “Stop!
I know you’re excited but you must go slow
Go too fast and you may just explode.
We’re halfway there but still take care.
Danger’s lurking everywhere.”
They swam slow and steady
Carni felt more and more ready
As she looked round at all they had found
With each inch she gained, she felt a little less bound
She saw things she’d not seen before
Like octopus, jellyfish, whales and more
She saw turtles, stingray and a Yeti crab
Jumped out of its way when it snapped and grabbed
Fi told her tales of mermaids and siren
Then a few more of Poseidon and Triton
As night-time fell, she made a wish
On every passing little starfish
She swore to keep Fi safe until he died
To repay him for being so kind
She wondered in awe at the creatures that glowed
Moon jellies, her favourite - after Fi, she owed
They travelled upward through most of the night
Napped only a little before morning light
And when the sun came shining out
She woke to find Fi racing about
“Fi! You are beautiful!” Carni gasped with delight
As Fi’s brilliant colours flashed in the sunlight
“I told you,” laughed Fi. “Don’t look so surprised.”
But Carni stared quietly, mesmerised.
“Look where we are! We’re finally home!
Let’s find our friends and roam the seafoam!”
Carni smiled then her belly rumbled
She looked at Fi and grumpily grumbled,
“Just one question, what am I to eat?”
“Filter feeders eat plants, not meat.”
Carni frowned, not liking the sound of this game
Fi laughed and said, “We’ll change your name.
I could call you Rosa, Lynn or Kirby
but do you like the sound of Herbi?"
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